Monday, July 7, 2008

Amazon - A Surprising Way To Boost Your Visibility

I recently reviewed a purchase and set up my profile on Amazon. During my most recent Google search on my name, lo and behold, my Amazon profile was the second site on the list.

That's pretty impressive. My blog, which I have posted to regularly over the past three months, came in sixth place, and my Technorati profile didn't even make the first page.

This means that I've just found another way to reach people who Google me for one reason or another. I suppose that if you don't want your Amazon comments way up there on the list of sites associated with your name, you shouldn't set up a profile. But if you're a writer, and you make some thoughtful reviews of books related to your work, you can easily increase your visibility on the internet with this simple technique.

(Disclaimer - this method will be most effective for newbies with relatively low traffic to their own sites, such as me!)

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