
Looking to be enlightened, stimulated and entertained?

On Crowdfunding/Kickstarter

Knodes Blog

Kickstarter Launch Day Reflections

5 Reasons Crowdfunding Is Hard (And Why To Do It Anyway)


Crowdfunding for Writers: Which Platform Should I Choose?

Blood-Red Pencil

How Your Blog Network Will Help Your Kickstarter Succeed

Rob D. Young's Blog

7 Writing-Based Ways to Fund Your Fiction

Writer's Fun Zone

6 Ways Authors Benefit From Crowd Funding

On Writing

Beth Barany's Blog

The Anti-Mary-Sue: How Flaws Reveal a Heroine’s Strength

Writer's Weekly

Leveraging Humor to Develop Your Freelance Writing Career


(Note: The following is an irreverent humor sites, and not suitable for all audiences.)


5 Movie Romances That Won't Last (According to Science)


What I Did with My Degree: Engineering/Industrial Design


Squidoo is a site where I like to write a little bit of everything. Here are some of my favorites:

Local Writers' Associations of America (averaging over 1,000 visitors per month)
Best Kinect Fitness Games

Click here to see a complete list of my Squidoo lenses.