Saturday, June 7, 2008

Critique Groups, Writer's Groups

Thanks to Michille from my writer's group for the following links to writer's group sites:

Activities for Writer's Groups

Pen to Paper Writer's Group

The 6' Ferrets Writer's Group

Also, I recently came across the site Writer's Digest, another great source of information for writers. Check out the article "101 Best Websites for Writers," which includes links to agent blogs, sites about writing and creativity, writer's community sites, etc. I'm particularly interested in finding a good community/forum for writers, mostly because my boyfriend always raves about his experiences in the Eastern US Weather Forums (he's a huge weather nut.) So I'm looking into Critique Groups for Writers, which I'm going to submit some of my short stories to, if I ever get them written! More on that site once I've had a chance to go through it thoroughly.

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