First of all, I want to thank all of a the wonderful people at The Washington Science Fiction Association, the panelists and speakers, the other attendees, and all the volunteers who made the convention a reality. A convention is a lot of hard work, and the organizers even stuck around at the end to hear people (constructively) complain!
And now, a breakdown.
Panels: Excellent! Great information, well-delivered, and good audience participation. I attended panels on YA Science Fiction, working on your fiction-writing career, working in a writing-related field while trying to launch your fiction-writing career, and magic in a mundane world (among other things). I think they're planning on increasing the amount of time between panels next year, which was the only qualm I had. I liked how they had three to five panelists at each talk so that we got to listen to some great discussions. The panelists all played off of each other well, and the talks were never dull.
Workshops: I attended the writing workshop moderated by Allen Wold. Allen is quite a force to be reckoned with! I received some great insight into my writing.
Socialization: I felt a little more comfortable meeting people at the GLVWG writers' conference I went to last March, mainly because the meals were in the hotel and shared by most of the conference attendees and speakers. But I did get to talk to some wonderful people at Capclave, including editors, gamers, authors, and librarians (librarians are quickly becoming one of my favorite types of people!). I only wish that I had known that the parties written on the board were "open parties" - I probably would have met even more interesting people!
Here are some of the people I did meet, in no particular order:
Allen Wold - Author, panelist, moderator, taskmaster. A man deft and encouraging in his criticisms who left the writers with the feeling they could make something good out of their writing. If you ever get a chance to take a class with him (he teaches at conferences and cons all throughout the year) I strongly suggest you take it. Allen is a multi-published science fiction and non-fiction author.
Edmund R. Schubert - Now, here's an interesting story. I found out that Edmund was editor for Orson Scott Card's Intergalactic Medicine Show, which sounded familiar. I realized that I had heard about that magazine through my interview with Jason Sanford, and I asked Edmund if he knew Jason. He said yes, then I said I'd interviewed Jason, and THEN Edmund said he'd read my interview! I checked my blog later, and I realized that, in his interview, Jason actually recommended Edmund highly. Talk about coming full circle! Anyway, Edmund was extremely helpful and knowledgeable about the subject at hand and all things science fiction. I'm very lucky to have met him in person. Check out his website to see his new book!
Larry Hodges - Now here's a guy who would make a great character in a story. Larry is working on is first science fiction novel. He also maintains a blog about politics, AND he's a retired table-tennis coach. Which is actually turns out to be a fairly lucrative profession. Did you know that table-tennis players in Europe can make more than a million dollars a year? Larry is the only person I know who can write, coach table-tennis, and recite the histories of every single president complete with terms of office. His frequent participation in workshops and overall enthusiasm about the writing industry make him a great resource.
Danielle Ackley-McPhail - Danielle is a woman who knows a lot about creative promotion! Her launch parties are apparently legendary in this part of the industry, and she gives away great candy. She's a fantasy author and an anthologist. She's also a great person to know, who really, truly gets joy out of her work.
Danny Birt - Danny is trying to single-handedly destroy the fantasy formula of 1.) person meets sage 2.) person quests for magical object 3.) person destroys the Great Evil. He's also a composer of both classical and filk music (a type of science fiction folk music), and an adept manuscript critiquer.
Davey Beauchamp - Davey likes to use his art for a good cause. He's an anthologist who has compiled science fiction stories to provide relief from natural disasters such as Hurricane Katrina. Davey is also a YA librarian, and he provided some great insight into the kind of styles that would interest a younger audience.
Conclusion: Terrific convention. Great information. Beautiful location. Very accepting of and willing to help newbies, once they figured out I was one. :) If you're in the MD/DC/VA area, and you're at all interested in reading, writing, or learning more about science fiction and fantasy, put Capclave 2009 on your calendar!
Update: I also wanted to mention Darcy, who was one of the leaders of the writing workshop, and gave me excellent advice about dancing. She didn't have a nametag, but I'm guessing that she's Darcy Wold, Allen Wold's daughter. Thanks Darcy for your help!
Gosh - I'm soooo envious of you getting to go to such a great sounding event! Way cool. Thanks so much for this post, all the links, info, tidbits and at least the VICARIOUS bits of experience, Emma.
Awww, don't be envious Marvin! I mean, just think, I'm completely sleep-deprived and will need a few weeks to recover! Glad I could give you a vicarious thrill, though. Hopefully I'll meet you at an event one of these days!
Hi Emma,
It was great getting to meet you as well. I enjoyed our conversations and I hope the information in the panels was helpful to you. You are already making strides in building that career goal. Most people never even get that far. Keep at it and keep in touch!
Danielle Ackley-McPhail
Thank you so much, Danielle! You see how awesome she is? She even stopped by to say hi to lil ol' me. The panels were extremely useful. I loved how you mentioned Xanth in the panel about mundane magic - I was thinking about it at the exact same time!
Glad to hear it. Of course, from a panelists point of view, you know a panel is going well when you suddenly find yourself out of time and more than one person has been speaking the whole time ;) I'm sure we all could have gone on for at least another hour, if not more on the Career Building panel...
With the Mundane magic one it was a little more difficult as the topic didn't have much meat to it, but I think we did fairly well with only a little diverging from the official topic.
As for Xanth...I wouldn't be in fantasy and science fiction as firmly as I am without Piers Anthony and the Xanth "trilogy", so his examples tend to stay with me no matter how many thousands of books I've read since then.
:::sigh::: and to work with me :(
I think there could have been a whole day dedicated to the career panel. :) I don't know if the mystique around the writing industry is really justified. When it comes down to it, it's just a job, not exactly a mystical calling. Readers shouldn't miss out on good books because of the tangled web of the writing and publishing industry!
I think there could have been a whole day dedicated to the career panel. :) I don't know if the mystique around the writing industry is really justified. When it comes down to it, it's just a job, not exactly a mystical calling. Readers shouldn't miss out on good books because of the tangled web of the writing and publishing industry!
It was great to meet you at the MWA meeting last night.
This sounds like a fascinating convention. Have you ever been to DragonCon? It's definitely more of a fan convention (rather than a writers convention). I'm hoping to go next year, but we'll see ...
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